Final Century

Chron X: Final Century is a sprawling card and board game for two to five players. Games take between 90 minutes (for two) to four or more hours (for five players).
Take three small decks: a domain, add a faction, and an Inner Circle leader. Combine them into a unique fighting force trying to dominate humanity's final 100 years.
Print-and-play version available here. Download and use of the game is governed by the Final Century End User License Agreement, which basically says "Don't print commercially, don't make a digital version."
The game was in development for a year, and we've had to stop for now. The game is fun, but the game product is incomplete. If you download the files, print them out and construct the game at home, we think you'll enjoy them.
Final Century is made available on a pay-what-you-want basis. If this was a finished retail product, it would likely cost $60 or €50. If you want to pay $20 or €17 instead because you are printing at home, that would be appreciated. Money can be sent via Paypal, here. If we ever do release this as a finished product, we'll make something special for those that paid here.